moon indicating dark mode
sun indicating light mode

How to use a custom PHP CLI version on Site5

April 05, 2021

How I used a custom PHP version with wp-cli (Wordpress CLI)

WooCommerce Compatibility Table

March 28, 2021

A list of compatible versions of PHP, Wordpress, and WooCommerce

How to Improve Your Git Checkout Process

August 01, 2020

Do you have to switch between local branches often? Find out how I improved the process of doing that...

How to Deal with Circular Dependencies in React Hooks

July 27, 2020

Have you ever had two hooks which trigger each other in a circular fashion? Check out how I resolved it...

How to Write a Faraday Request Middleware

May 31, 2020

Faraday is a very powerful tool, and you can make it even more powerful.

How to fix libv8 "bad version" error when using mini_racer

March 10, 2020

After upgrading your operating system, library compilation can become an issue. Here is how I fixed one of my issues.

How to avoid using the base CarrierWave uploader class on accident

March 05, 2020

Using the base uploader class can have some unintended consequences. Learn how to avoid this mistake.

How to handle unhandledrejection errors using axios

March 02, 2020

Axios is a great library, but unhandled promise rejections can be a problem. How do we get rid of them?

How to use Carrierwave's local file urls on the backend

February 23, 2020

Carrierwave's Uploader::Base#url method returns a path relative to the public directory for local for system uploads. How do you use that on the backend?

How to add a layout to the notes theme for Gatsby

February 19, 2020

Gatsby's notes theme is a great way to get a "notes" section up and running quickly, but it doesn't use your layout by default.

How to fix sluggish performance in Visual Studio Code

February 16, 2020

Learn the simple fix for terrible Visual Studio Code performance.